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Pro Bono/Educational Advertising Opportunity 2012 in the Washington, D.C. and Baltimore Area

April 20, 2012 by , co-founder | Bootcamp Lights

Maggie Rose Regan in London With May fast approaching, Towson senior, Maggie Rose Regan says, “It’s safe to say that my plate is very full right now.” She wouldn’t be lying, either, as she just submitted her proposal for her final internship project here at Bootcamp Lights.

Between filling out job applications, scheduling meetings in New York and Boston for post-grad opportunities, and still being fully prepared to juggle one more important responsibility...

Launching Her Very First Advertising Campaign

Over the past few months we have had the opportunity to get to know our first intern. And after working with Maggie Rose Regan...

list of great qualities in intern Maggie

Our team is extremely proud of Maggie and we look forward to continuing these educational opportunities where students can truly gain first-hand experience while working with new media.

We designed our program to challenge interns; using the knowledge they have gained from their academic studies in actual fast-paced industry situations. Those like Maggie, who effectively invest in our internship program will have the opportunity to launch a pro bono advertising campaign at the end of the semester.

Now, we just need a local business who wants to team up!

Bootcamp Lights will completely fund this educational advertising campaign. Please do us a favor and submit a point of contact from your company who will work with us over the next couple of weeks as we creatively plan and execute an integrated campaign for your business.

You can email me or call us at the office: (443) 380-3664. Our team will be heavily involved in the process; working closely with Maggie and your point of contact.

Please let us know if your company is interested in participating by no later than next Thursday, April 26, 2012. Once we have your point of contact on file, we will let Maggie pick which company she would like to partner with for her first official ad campaign.

Maggie will announce who she selects on Friday, April 27, 2012.

So, what exactly is Bootcamp Lights?

At Bootcamp Lights...

Actually, let's have Maggie tell you more about our company.

Maggie Rose Regan article on changing Baltimore's advertising industry

Maggie: When I heard about an internship opportunity at Bootcamp Lights, I was instantly intrigued: an advertising agency that uses a custom built R22 Helicopter outfitted with a 36 x 8 foot digital billboard? Sign me up!

I've routinely heard people say things like "no one watches television advertisements anymore" and "print advertising is dead." This is where the innovative Bootcamp Lights comes in. I am inspired by how interesting and out of the ordinary this company is.

I am looking forward to the opportunity of teaming up with a forward-thinking business to launch my first campaign. This will be an opportunity that will help me in the future and open my eyes to the real inner workings of a successful Baltimore business.

Bootcamp Lights will completely fund the proposed campaign. Our team will be heavily involved in the process; working closely with Maggie and your point of contact.

Internship educational/pro bono campaign

Connect With Your Target Audience Tracking Engagements Online

In addition to reaching prime locations that are unattainable by other forms of media, we use the latest technology to bring all of our clients' campaigns online -- where the possibilities are endless.

Video campaigns in Baltimore

Search engine optimization (SEO) is significantly changing in 2012

“Today we're beginning to support authorship markup—a way to connect authors with their content on the web. We're experimenting with using this data to help people find content from great authors in our search results.”

Google logo

At Bootcamp Lights, we closely follow Google’s algorithm and their daily modifications. Our design team uses HTML5 and CSS3 to develop the modern web and achieve the best organic search results.

This year for Valentine’s Day, we used our online platforms to engage with the Baltimore community. Our two articles were indexed with authorship at the top of page 1 on Google; surpassing all of the other Valentine’s Day opportunities.

Great organic search results

If you know of a company who might be interested in receiving our pro bono/educational advertising campaign -- please help us get the word out by sharing this article. Thank you for your continued support.

What is Bootcamp Lights?

innovative billboards attached to helicopters

We have engineered a new form of targeted advertising using a custom built R22 helicopter, outfitted with a 36 x 8 foot digital billboard.

We take your message – the foundation of your advertising campaign – and we work with you to resourcefully design flight plans that will place your brand directly above your target audience in Maryland.

Advertising that gets results »

WAKA Kickball Campaign

WAKA Kickball logo

"Bootcamp Lights put the WAKA brand of adult social sports in front of even more potential customers. It's fun working with companies that are as into outside-the-box business ideas as we are."

-- Mike Holden, WAKA Kickball, Director of Marketing

WAKA Kickball's innovative campaign »

Police Recruitment Campaign

Baltimore Police badge

"Everyone saw it and just thought it was the coolest thing. It was a great way for us to get our message out."

-- Jeremy Silbert, Baltimore Police Department

Learn more »

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